Tuesday 13 November 2012


Syukran everything goes well...That's it...finish my fyp presentation means i have completed this semester successful...Thanks to my friends who help me so much and not to forget my lovely advisor MADAM ZABARIAH BT ZAKARIA who always gives spirit to me and my friends in completing this project..Thanks to all and may we see again in the future...Assalamualaikum...

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Be prepareddd!

Today is my preparation for my FYP presentation tomorrow...I hope everything will be okay and insyaallah i will perform well tomorrow...My assessor is Mr.Syazwan and Prof Amir...hope they give me high marks..hehe...

here's my poster :-

Saturday 27 October 2012


I have made it!...my circuit has functioning well!....I have transmitted my digital signal of my ecg wirelessly to my pc...Project success!!!...

Digital signal of ECG waveform

For your information : I manage to transmit my digital signal of ECG waveform to my pc..In order to produce analog signal of ECG, i have to construct DAC (digital analog converter) circuit...This is much more complicated...But,this is already shows that i can transfer my ECG wirelessly..So,my target is to transfer digital signal graph..This project has considered SUCCESS!.

Here's my circuit! :-

Full circuit

Friday 19 October 2012

New xbee

I got my new xbee...Configured it...And now it's time for me to test my circuit whether it is functioning or not...nervous!!!

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Today is my unfortunate day because one of my xbees (transmitter) has burn..This is all because of my 3.3V voltage regulator that i bought in Jalan Pasar...It has damaged...aarghhhhhhhhh!!....I have to buy another xbee and it cost me around RM120/each !!!!...#@$%!$@%!%^#!&

Burn xbee!!!

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Finally, I've manage to find programs for my project..here's the examples of the codes :-

Arduino codes :

void setup() {
// initialize the serial communication:

void loop() {
// send the value of analog input 0:
// wait a bit for the analog-to-digital converter
// to stabilize after the last reading:

Processing codes :

Serial myPort;        // The serial port
int xPos = 1;         // horizontal position of the graph
int thresh = 190;

void setup () {
// set the window size:
size(800, 500);      
myPort = new Serial(this, "COM4", 9600); // local USB- port
// don't generate a serialEvent() unless you get a newline character:

void draw () {
// everything happens in the serialEvent()

void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
// get the ASCII string:
String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (inString != null) {
// trim off any whitespace:
inString = trim(inString);
// convert to an int and map to the screen height:
float inByte = float(inString);
inByte = map(inByte, 0, 1023, 0, height);
// draw the line:
line(xPos, height, xPos, height - inByte);

line(0, thresh, width, thresh);
if(inByte > thresh){

// at the edge of the screen, go back to the beginning:
if (xPos >= width) {
xPos = 0;
else {
// increment the horizontal position:

Thursday 4 October 2012


This is it...I have to try my circuit..Not only that...i have to do some research about the programming for my project..This program is very important because it is the main part which make my project successful..So, i have to search sources such as arduino forum because it is an open source web which provides codes for arduino and processing software..

Saturday 29 September 2012

Xbee configuration..

I have to configure the xbees i buy first...This is to make sure that both transmitter and receiver has the same value of transfer which means that i can transfer the data successfully.
This configuration involve in XCTU software which suit xbee series 1 model..
This is some example of the configuration :-

XCTU software

Xbee with dongle

Wednesday 19 September 2012


I have to construct my sensor circuit...So here's my schematic and DipTrace sketch i used to construct my sensor circuit :-

Sensor Circuit

After this, I'm going to etch and drill it as usual..

Trace using iron

Thursday 13 September 2012


Very simple amplifier...It's advantages are as follows:-

  • Low offset voltage
  • Low drift
  • Low input bias
  • High CMR (120dB min)
  • Inputs protected up to 40V
  • Low current
This amplifier is suitable for any ECG signal because it has been used in many applications of medical instrumentation..

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sensor Circuit..Failed!

As stated before, I used LM358 as my amps..But, it has failed me..Why?...because there's so much noise in this amps and it did not filter the noise accurately...So, I've decided to change to another amps which I prefer most that is INA128P...I think this amp will be successful for me..Let's go to Jalan Pasar...again!..

Friday 31 August 2012

Sensor circuit!

After i have finish my standalone arduino, I would like to construct my sensor circuit which contain amps like LM358 and filters..But before that, i have tested my standalone arduino and it works great!..There's no short circuit or malfunction...

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Etching, Drilling..

This part of etching and drilling is very tricky part...I have to do it carefully..In this section, I have choose UV pcb board for my standalone arduino because it is much easier than the usual one..This UV only takes 5-10 minutes to complete all the process compared to usual one which takes about an hour to do it..So here's the pictures of my etching and drilling...Enjoy!

UV Box

1 minute trace

Trace visible place

Trace become visible

Thursday 16 August 2012

Oh yeah!

All the components are ready to be constructed..So, starting with my standalone arduino..I do it first..Before this I have attach the sketch of my standalone arduino, so that's how I construct it..Let's go to the construction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Wednesday 8 August 2012

Jalan Pasar

Today is "Jalan Pasar" Day because i go to Jalan Pasar to buy my equipments..hehe..
So, what are my requirements?..All the components listed before this is very important..So, I have decided to build ECG circuit using LM358..I buy all the components such as resistors and capacitors for my band-pass filter..So, see you in Jalan Pasar!

Friday 3 August 2012

Examples of ECG circuit

As I search the web for ECG circuit, I have noticed that there's a lot of ECG circuits that has different types of equipments they used..So, I've decided to take some of them as my references...

  • AD624

  •  LM358                                                  

Tuesday 31 July 2012


As we know, ECG needs lots of filter in order to get a very smooth and nice signal..But in my case, I would like to produce digital signal for my ECG which means that there is no analog signal like we see in hospital..
So, I have to build amplifiers and filters circuit so that i can produce the digital signal of ECG graph..There are several types of amps that I would like to use...I just need time to choose one of them..Here's my amps :-

  • LM358N
  • INA128P
  • AD620
  • LM324
  • AD624
That's all the amps that i will choose later..By now, I have to search for a simple ECG circuit in order to build it as my sensor circuit..

Friday 27 July 2012

Stand Alone Arduino..

                  During my previous blog...I have mentioned that i am going to build a standalone arduino for my FYP...This standalone arduino can act as arduino and it is more cheaper than the real arduino..
                   So, before i go and buy all the equipments, i have to design the circuit for standalone arduino first..This sketch is made from DipTrace software and it is going to be printed on OHP paper which then i can trace it on my UV PCB board...This is my example of standalone arduino.. :-

StandAlone Arduino

Thursday 26 July 2012

2 subjects only?

This semester i only take 2 subjects..hekELEHH...hahahhaha..This is my good news because i can focus in doing my FYP..I will take this opportunity greatly!..
So by tomorrow i will details out what am i going to do with my FYP..see you tomorrow!..

Monday 23 July 2012

New semester...new hope!..new ideas!..

My last semester in Unikl BMI starts now!..hehehe..after this i'm going for my industrial training..
Okay now..Holiday has gone..FYP has come..so let's start my journey with bismillah...

Friday 18 May 2012

Enjoy my holiday!

I will stop blogging during holiday because i need to rest a little bit...any activities involving my FYP projects will be written in my logbook and i will write into my blog later..See ya!..preparing to start new semester this July!..hehe...bye2!...

Going beyond with Malaysia Airlines

Sunday 13 May 2012


As promise..these are the pictures of the equipments to do my standalone arduino...enjoy the pics! :P

  1. Atmega 328P

   2.Voltage Regulator 5V

  3. DC jack.

   4. Terminal Block

  5. Crystals

   6. 10pin box header

  7. Diode

 8. LED

  9. Capacitors and resistors

  10. Female Header

  11. UV pcb board

Thursday 10 May 2012


I have consult with my friends,discuss with them..they said that i can construct my own arduino on pcb!!...what a great ideass!!...i will try construct it..parts needed are as follows:

  1. Atmega328P
  2. Voltage regulator 5V
  3. DC jack
  4. terminal block
  5. crystals
  6. 10 box header
  7. diode
  8. few of capacitors
  9. resistors
  10. LED
  11. female header
  12. jumpers
  13. UV pcb board
This are all the requirements...i will post each of their pictures in my next post!..see ya!

Thursday 3 May 2012


I can't finalize my project yet because i am still thinking whether i am going to use pic instead of arduino...hurmm...thinking2..both of them act as microcontroller...whih one is better??..Let me further my research...tetttttttttttt!!!

 Arduino Uno


Monday 30 April 2012

Again, again and again...

I have look into many websites...what i found gave me ideas to do something that is different from before..This are some websites that i have lookout..:-

When i look at those websites, i tryto search for images that may relate to my project..This are some of them..

Friday 20 April 2012

End of presentation FYP SEM1..

Today...I'm feeling great after i have been assessed by Prof Dr.Sabry and Miss Puspa...thanx to both of them...they are giving some inspiration to further my research during next semester presentation...

I will continue on my research again to improve my project...for now..i will rest about a week..enjoying myself!..heeeee  :P:P:P

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Prepare prepare prepare!

Noooooooo....presentation for FYP 1 is around the cornerrr...i have to prepareee!!...researchingggg!!!

Thursday 5 April 2012


I take advises from my advisor and friends...They sais that I have to read journals..journalss...journalss...lots of journalsss...sooo...this is my time to read them!..humphhh...

Journal 1

Journal 2

Friday 30 March 2012

Problem solved!

Hahahahahahhahahahha...that's my big laugh!...hehe....I've managed to discover that i can transfer real-time graph to my pc...xbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....hehe

Saturday 24 March 2012


I've decided to continue my research...Now i know that my project is difficult and i have to take it seriously as my presentation 1 is around the corner...what am I going to explain to my assessor???

Thursday 15 March 2012


I have spotted one of the web and it says that it is impossible to transfer real-time graph to pc wirelessly...Hurm..why?...why?...why???

Friday 9 March 2012


When i did my research, i'm also ask my friends and cousins to improve my project..One of my cousin is a doctor...he says that why not I transfer all the ECG data wirelessly and save it in pdf format...this will make easy for the doctor whenever they like to monitor patient's heart graph...

Saturday 3 March 2012


Hurm...this is very difficult...i have to think whether i have to use something different from my project..for example using wifi...interesting..hehe

Thursday 23 February 2012

Wireless ECG cont...

i have made some research at the web which has the same topic with me..most of them are a little bit different from my project.so here's the link of the web :


Wireless ECG..cont..(vids)

Wireless ECG cont...(vids)

Wireless ECG cont...

some of the useful videos i got from the web..here there are :


Wireless ECG cont...

i have to list down some of the parts that are needed in doing this project..But,before that, i would like to show some of the parts pics :))

                                                        1. this is the Xbee wire antenna

                                                                    2. RF transmitter

                                                            3. low voltage op-amp LM358N

                                                           4. Arduino uno (complimentary)

                                                        5. WiFi sensor (alternative)

Wireless ECG..

it's been 2 weeks since i last post my 1st blog. My lappy was broken but i manage to do some research about my final year project (FYP). This is my result of research during 2 weeks time for Wireless ECG..

  •   to produce a cheap,
  •  functional ECG machine
  • reducing the noise when measuring the heartbeat.
  • a homemade wireless ECG. 
Target Market
  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
i have made some other ideas that can works with this wireless ECG..
  • the ECG machine receive the signal-can be send to email via wifi.. 

Thursday 9 February 2012

Searching for Ideas..

The topic has been selected..

My topic : Wireless ECG.

Further research will be conducted..